Trinity Flats

Trinity Flats is a complex urban mixed-use development involving the rehabilitation of 4 historic structures and construction of one new building located along Vine Street in Cincinnati’s Gateway Quarter District of Over-the-Rhine. Jeff Raser’s design team worked closely with the developer and builder, Model Group, on the project’s design and vision and was also instrumental in obtaining Historic Preservation Tax Credits.

The project contains 25 residential condominiums and about 7500 square feet of commercial space. The new addition was designed to complement, but not copy, the historic fabric of Over-the-Rhine by using existing building patterns of massing, rhythm, proportion and scale - while incorporating contemporary materials and detailing.

Trinity Flats is designed to accommodate urban-living market demands in a dynamic configuration. Nearly every unit has its own deck and the building has a roof deck open to all residents. We designed secure parking at the first floor level, elevator circulation to both buildings, and contemporary interiors. Special attention was given to creating lofty, modern buildings with a high level of finish and a dynamic entry sequence from streetscape to the interior of each Flat. This sequence of entry excites potential buyers before they even enter the condominium they’re about to visit.

The glass sectional doors utilized along each building’s first floor provide both spatial flexibility and functional duality. Commercial tenants are able to engage customers at the sidewalk-level, while the material also serves as a screen for parking facilities.

The design team received the Over-the-Rhine Chamber of Commerce Star Award.

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