How to Use This Website

This website is not meant solely as an advertisement for Cincinnati Urban Design and Architecture Studio (CUDA Studio).  Of course, CUDA Studio is indeed a business that offers urban design and architectural services – so please feel free to hire us.  See the About CUDA Studio and Portfolio pages for information or email us here.

This website is meant to be a resource for citizens to help them understand how the design of their neighborhood affects their daily lives. Such citizens include:

  • residents;

  • neighborhood advocates;

  • elected and administrative policy makers;

  • business owners and concerned employees;

  • real estate developers;

  • design and engineering professionals;

  • students; and

  • other stakeholders;

This website will help you advocate for making your neighborhood a better place in which to live, work, shop, learn, play, and pray. It will arm you with facts and resources about various aspects of urban design, architecture, creating walkable neighborhoods, and will help you understand good or bad design when you see it.

The website has an entire section dedicated to the study of pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use neighborhoods called: “Elements of Urban Design.” This section explains each essential ingredient that makes up our built urban environment.

Visitors to this website can either delve right into any of those topics directly (just click on the “Elements of Urban Design” title to see the drop-down list of topics) or use the “Community Concerns” index to find which elements of urban design will address a community’s particular questions and issues.

Each subject in the Elements of Urban Design pages is just a cursory review of the topic. The handful of graphics and narrative can’t fully explain each topic. If you don’t find what you need, by all means, please email us.

If a photo or graphic in this website was not produced and is not owned by CUDA Studio, then we’ve tried to credit that photo or graphic to whoever owns it. Some projects in the Portfolio pages are from Jeff Raser’s time working at other firms.

©2019 Cincinnati Urban Design and Architecture, LLC. All rights reserved.