The Impact of Urban Design and Architecture

Urban Design is the compositional shaping of the public realm (street corridors and intersections, open spaces, and gathering places) with buildings, landscaping and other architectural elements.  Good Urban Design results in the creation of walkable places that help people connect, such as two acquaintances who have a coincidental meeting on a sidewalk, or business friends meeting in a civic square for lunch. Walkable communities are vibrant, urbane places made from a range of ingredients which – when expertly composed – create fertile ground for strong, healthy neighborhoods.

Urban Design and Architecture have the power to affect people’s daily lives in ways they can’t always understand at first.

Parked cars and well-placed street trees along a reasonably narrow street persuade drivers to slow down despite what the speed limit sign says.

A sidewalk bump-out helps a walking mom easily look for oncoming traffic before crossing a busy street - while holding the hand of her 6 year old son.  

Mailboxes set along the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood help foster community between elderly neighbors and families who may only have a chance to talk when they get their mail at the same time each day.

A strong line of cornices along a row of buildings helps firmly define the comfortable feeling of enclosure in an urban street corridor, even though people will rarely actually look directly at any of those cornices.

A small public gathering place gives a comfortable spot where a business woman can make a few last minute adjustments to her presentation or wait to meet a friend for lunch.

Often people can’t put their finger on why an urban place works well or doesn’t, but they feel it.  Usually great urban places aren’t achieved by accident; they are thoughtfully planned and designed by an engaged community with professional assistance.

We are ever shaped by the places we create – for better or for worse. The design of our public realm should not be a residual effect caused by other actions. It should be a thoughtful, creative endeavor which results in the construction of places that enable social connection, establish economic opportunities, and add to the amenities of where we live. By understanding the fundamental ingredients that make up our physical world, people can initiate the changes to their community’s public realm that will result in the construction of places that are worthy of our pride.

If CUDA Studio can help you make your community a better place, please let us know by sending us an email.

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